How will I get my ebooks and audiobooks?

Ebook and audiobook purchases are delivered within a few minutes via a download link in an email from our digital distributor Bookfunnel. This email arrives immediately after you complete your purchase. Please be sure to download your purchase. If you have issues with the links or the files or do not receive the email at the email address you used at checkout (please make sure to check your promotion/spam/junk folders if you have Gmail or Yahoo mail), contact Bookfunnel directly for assistance at help@bookfunnel.com.

How do I read my ebooks and audiobooks?

You can read your ebooks online, in the free Bookfunnel app, or download them to your Kindle, iPhone, Android, Nook, or Kobo device. 

You can listen to your audiobooks online on your browser, in the free Bookfunnel audiobook player app, or download the MP3 files to your favorite device.

How long will take to get my print books?

Print books are printed individually to order and shipped through our independent printing partner, Bookvault. Print books shipping times vary between country. Estimated shipping times alongside choices of shipping methods are shown at checkout. It usually takes a few days to print your order and then 3-5 days to ship in the UK, and 5-21 days in the US and elsewhere. You can track the shipping with the link in your order.

What happens with pre-orders?

You pay for your pre-order upon purchase, not on release date. Ebooks and audiobooks are delivered on release date by a link in an email from our delivery partner Bookfunnel, to the email address you used at checkout. If you have the Bookfunnel app, your pre-ordered ebook or audiobook will automatically appear in your Bookfunnel library on release date. Print books will be printed and shipped after the release date.

If you purchase a preorder AND a non- preorder print book at the same time, the books will not be shipped until the preorder is released. This is because you are being charged a single shipping fee.

Note: If you purchase an ebook pre-order AND a paperback pre-order at the same time (or a pre-order AND a non-preorder item), you may get an automated shipment notification from Shopify telling you your pre-order is complete when it is not.

Do you accept refunds?

Please refer to our refund policy for more details.